Even Isabella, who was sick with an ear infection, got into the Christmas spirit.
I'm still recovering from yesterday's sugar overload.

I have to say, these things sure are harder to make than they look like in the magazines. Good thing, my friend Megan is a super cake architect because she brought our crooked little house back to life.
Isabella is psyched to get into the kitchen and tryout her new apron and hot pads.
This year's biggest surprise was our new friend Mr. Bun Bun. Not a very dignified name for such a stealthy little rabbit, we have to think of something better.
We thought we lost the little guy, but he finally showed up six hours later. He had been hiding out on the bottom shelf of a book case, nibbling away on one of Andrew's old text books. At least someone got some use out of the book.
We hope everyone is having a happy holiday!!