by WillyZ.
It was built in my junior year of high school and I remember going out to the field that used to be farm ground to get pictures of it for our year book.
The local towns people were split on it: " it was a great work of art in Western Nebraska." Others fell into the group: "it's a junk yard and why would anyone ever stop there and look at a bunch of old cars stuck in the ground."
The first elven years that Keith and I were married our farm was north east of Alliance, and we would drive by Carhenge to and from home. Keith's niece always referred to it as "car wreck." But the thing that always amazed me was that someone was always there pulling in and looking around. Always out of town license plates on their vehicles, usually out of state plates. People liked this? During the summer months it would increase in traffic ten fold.
A summer a couple years back, Sister Three and her family came home for a visit and we went out there so she could get pictures. We walked around and looked around. My kids were amazed as they had never done that. I hadn't walked around since 1987 when I took the year book photos, but it was really neat. You don't get that driving by on the road. You have to stop, get out of your car and walk around.
Last week the Friends of Carhenge announced they could no longer keep enough volunteers out there to man the visitor booth it now housed and would be offering it up for sale.
So if you have $300,000.00 you could purchase a local "land mark" and the sky is the limit on what you would be able to use it for. Some suggestions have been to have a RV camp ground, a go kart race track, and a restaurant on site to help generate revenue. All would be excellent ideas, but now we will wait and see what will happen.
sounds like a wonderful business investment for someone who has spare cash and is looking for something to do with it! maybe that guy that just bought all the land around minatare would be interested.....
i would secretly like to buy carhenge and our old house on mississippi. why? i have no idea. what would i do with these items?
I'd better go find the geo cache hidden there before it sells!
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