He likes to do it his own way.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Visions of Sugar Plums
He likes to do it his own way.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Demotivational Posters
so I began surfing and of course I struck pay dirt.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Lucky ducky

Now that was pretty minor lost and found story..... Keith's is another.
You see about a month or so ago, we were processing cattle on a Sunday afternoon. So it was Keith, Krista, Dani and myself.
We were covered in mud, but it was a fairly nice day.

Keith realized he had dropped his phone somewhere, but where.
We started looking and looking and looking.
I had given it up for the lost forever.
But Krista is a super sleuth

You wouldn't believe where she found it.

Just minutes before this photo was snapped.
This alley was full of 600 pound calves all squeezed into this little spot.
Not wanting to move anywhere. Keith had hopped in there without the hotshot, because Krista kept dropping it in the ankle deep mud. They don't work so good after that.
His phone must have fallen out of his pocket when he was pushing the cattle.
How she found it in inches of poop and mud is beyond me.
Keith's phone is a LG Scoop phone, and now appropriately named the LG Poop phone.
But it still works! That must have been our Thanksgiving miracle.
Monday, December 15, 2008
I'm In Mourning
Sunday, December 14, 2008
What Gives?
my Christmas lights and enjoying global warming.
I'm freezing and pondering the Ice Age.
the lock on the gate at school to go work.