Since I'm not up at the hospital enjoying myself,
I thought it would be a good idea to get back into
the habit of Flashback Fridays.
This week's subject was easy: Aunt Sue.
Yesterday was her birthday.
Is it any wonder why Grandma Lou liked the painting Little Jack Rabbit?
This is the same pose!
Is it any wonder why Grandma Lou liked the painting Little Jack Rabbit?
This is the same pose!
I couldn't unearth any birthday photos,
but there were lots of holiday photos.
but there were lots of holiday photos.
I'm sure that there must be a story
behind the white rabbits that appear in both pictures.
behind the white rabbits that appear in both pictures.
Mom said this picture was taken in Easter of '49 after the big blizzard.
Christmas was the other photo op.
Uncle Bill is playing with his Howdy Doody doll (I'll bet that's worth some money!) and Aunt Sue is playing with the latest doll she received. I have to admit that I cropped Mom out of this picture because Grandma Lou evidently took the picture and there was a glare off of Mom's glasses. I didn't feel like trying to fix it .... cropping was easier. Sorry, mom --- but now Aunt Sue actually has another picture without you in it.

Every Christmas Grandma would get out the Ideals Christmas magazine.
Mom got to it first, so Aunt Sue had to settle for reading A Christmas Carol to Uncle Jon who did a decent job of pretending to be interested in listening.

Dolls again. Yeech.
At least Uncle Jon has a cool gift.

Mom explained who each of these people in the picture were ....
I pretended to listen. I must have inherited that trait from Uncle Jon!
Grandma's spidery handwriting revealed that the people were Elenor Austen?, Connie Gericke, Orvelyn Ransome, Susi Hall, Wanda Walston, Pam Hall and Darla Gericke. My apologies if any of these are you and I butchered your name. I never realized how hard spidery handwriting was to read.

Aunt Sue survived the blizzard of '49.
Wouldn't it be cool if it snowed that much this week-end and we didn't have school on Monday?! I bet Frog Legs would agree.

From snow to fishing in one short leap.
Isn't Mom's kerchief precious?
At least she got her shirt buttoned up.
Shame on you Aunt Sue ---
flaunting your belly like that!

Grandma Hall and Granddad Pipe took Mom and Aunt Sue to Pike's Peak.
This was taken somewhere along the way.

A picture of Jocko, the smartest dog
that ever lived, with his three charges.Of course there were cats along the way as well.

This is Skipper and Cotton.
Grandma Lou went to bridge leaving Grandad Jiggs to fend for himself.
"I know, I'll read to them until they fall asleep."
Looks like it worked like a charm on Aunt Sue.
Or else she was tired of Mom telling her
to be quiet so they could hear the story.Here is the only picture I have of Uncle Marlin, Aunt Sue's husband.
I cropped Aunt Teresa out to make Mom feel less bad about being cropped out earlier.
This must have been a picture of the outlaws inlaws:
Uncle Marlin, Aunt Johanna holding prim and proper pesky Linda, Dad and of course, the most intelligent and cutest of the nieces.
Somebody took a chomp out of this photo.
Look at the way Aunt Sue is looking at me.
She adores me.
Some things never change ... except for the size of my head!
Grandma was very frugal.
She made sure that both girls were in each photo.
Killed two birds with one flash.
We hope you had a grand birthday
and that you will have many more to come.
1 comment:
Love the pictures! Oh the history.
At least Aunt Sue can't complain that there are no pictures of her.
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