The Life of a Cow Dog

Jessie, she is Cowboy Dave's sidekick.
Even though she is still young and learning,
Jessie keeps the young yearlings
moving up the alley way to be processed.
She is a good cow dog.

Tucker, is still young and not learning
a single thing about how to work cattle.
He prefers the shade and to tag along with
his favorite human sidekick ...

Daughter # 2.
Tucker is always at her side, unless he
is hiding in the corner chewing on unmentionables,
that he has just taken out of the dirty clothes hamper.

We arrived at the processing alley, just after high noon.
Daughter # 2 was recruited to also
be a cow dog.
To keep the new calves moving up the alley way to be processed.

She poked them.

She said gosh darn it many times.

She whistled a tune or was she scratching her ear?
Notice her trusty side kick at her feet.
Speaking of feet.... flip flops !
Not the usual attire for a cow girl/dog.

She was doing such a fine job of keeping the cattle coming through the chute,
that her dad was able to sit back and supervise.
He actually was cutting the old tags and putting the new tags in.
So he said.

Cowboy Thomas administered the shots.

Don't you just love my finger in the picture?

Cowboy Dave ran the chute and the pour on.
Daughter #2 was working so good that Jessie was able to take a break.
Tucker was trying to figure out what all that "Mooing" was about.

Then the work was done.

A well earned water break was in order for
the cow dogs

and the human sidekicks.

When you don't have your faithful steed to ride out on.
You use the next best thing.... a four wheeler.
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