Because I live in the boon docks, I'm often at my aunt's house eating my peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch. Or just hanging out there, while the girl's are at one of their many activites. By the way, thanks for the home away from home.
We are often talking about cooking and Sue is always tellling me to put into the blog,
like Pioneer Woman does.
So for those of you they say I'm copying Pioneer Woman's style...... I am.
But I think there is enough room out in cyber space for all of us.
One of my favorite things to do is watch Food Network. I love Semi Home Made with Sandra Lee. It's the only way to cook. If something gets made from scratch at my house, it's becuase we ran out of the ingredient. And then it's just noodles and once in a blue moon a loaf of bread (zuchinni).
Okay Aunt Sue.... this is for you.
I'm been getting all the women's magazines with pretty pictures of pies on them. So I have been craving a fruit pie. Since Anderson won't send me any of his strawberries, I'm forced to buy them.
I picked this up at Safeway for $7.99. I realize that would buy 2 gallons of gas. But pie is better. Unless I'm walking to town, because I ran out of gas. Which just so happened to me this morning. As someone forgot that the gauge doesn't work on the pickup! Another story.
This coooking sheet was my grandmother's. I love it for baking pies.
To give the pie a homemade look.
Mix one beaten egg with 2 oz. of water.
Mixture after beaten.
Brush over the top of pie crust. Do not do the edges.
Either use one of these handy dandy rings or foil to prevent over browning of edges.
Close oven door. Set timer for 60 long minutes. Go do the dishes. Make supper. Tell the kids again that the pie is still not done.
Remove finished pie from oven. Doesn't it look pretty.
Okay, the box says to let it cool. But in reality, does anyone ever let it cool. . Unless of course you just made a merguine pie.
It was the best fruit pie ever. It had strawberries, rhubarb, raspberries, and blackberries. It brought back memories of Granny's mulberry tree. I want to plant a mullberry tree. Where would I order that from.
I am cracking up - what fun. Lys and I are going to Safeway tonight to get that Sara Lee pie because my new convection oven should be here tomorrow. That pie looked just too good!!
My three daughters reommended this sight to me, along with Pioneer Woman. PW is no good, print is too small. But this blog is fantastic, keep up the good work!!
Really like the pictures.
I bet a Carmello bat has a whole day's carbs!!!!!!!!!
Does your mother know that you have great-grandmother's pie baking pan?!!!!
I loved your recipe .... and I think I might actually be able to pull this off. Heck, I only fried an egg for the first time last week ... and that was only because Pioneer Woman had step by step instructions! You can quit laughing now.
You can get a mulberry tree from Gurney's. I ordered two and they are doing fantastic. Much, much better than the raspberries!
That's so weird, I was just telling Isabella about Mulberry Trees and was wondering where to buy one and if they would grow here.
I want to make that pie! that looks awesome.
Trudy, what did you name your dog? I don't remember seeing her before.
Omg... I have those eggs for breakfast everday now. Krista wondered how I built the toast into the eggs. She likes them seperate. What's with kids?
So show me a picture of the eggs!
Our golden's name is Maybelle. We got her in May .... how original is that?
Once you have one mulberry tree, you will have more . . .
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