I would take an equal number of photos of each child and I would always treat them with the utmost dignity. Alas, I have not kept my promise. I think, however, it is a genetic anomaly that was passed down by our mother.
Case in Point : Sister Number One
The hat. The gloves. The patent leather shoes. Notice the matching purse.
In my estimation, this is a fine photo. (Trudy might beg to differ.) Especially when compared to the sorry snapshots of a fourth-born:
Of the seventeen pictures that were actually taken of me during my youth, nine of them could qualify as a mild form of kiddie porn.
Katie noticed it too as you can see in the caption she created on the Christmas calendar that she made. Strangely, none of Sister Number Two's horrible photos ended up in the calendar. At least none of the horrible childhood photos.
Adolesence is another story. This smashing shot, taken in 1987, really highlights our keen Schnell fashion sense.
And once again, Trudy looks lovely in her best formal attire. It's a little known fact that our gorgeous Sister Number One had the potential to become America's Next Top Runway Model. Hence, her credo "Happiness is a fashion show."
And here's one in the 60s with our Mulberry Tree growing Great Grandmother (and of course Trudy, the star of all albums):

Here we are in the 90s.
I think this was when the potographer asked if this was a "Four-Generation Photo."
I just like it because I've never had such curly hair before or since. Something about this California climate is very bad for fine hair.
I just like it because I've never had such curly hair before or since. Something about this California climate is very bad for fine hair.
I am getting very strange looks from my co-workers, as I am lauging my ass off!!! TOO FUNNY!!!!!!!! The only thing that would have made it better was the poem or whatever Trudy wrote in grade school refering to "Happiness is being in a fashion show!!!"
Keep them coming Nicki.
Love IT!
p.s. Isabella will always remember the snowman she made in Nebraska.
I actually like the photo of us in pink bridesmaid dresses. I was young and skinny. I had just gotten my braces off and was skinny. I had gotten contacts the summer before and was skinny. We didn't have to go to school that day as our sister was getting married and I was skinny. The 1980's were good years and I was skinny. Did I mention I was skinny ???
Sister Three --- You're lucky that flights are now $478 to your residence, otherwise I might come pound on you .... just kidding.
But really, is that damn pink dress photo going to haunt me for the rest of my life? God, I hate that photo! Even if Sister Two is skinny.
Oh, I would have put embarassing pictures of myself on the calendar. But being child number 3...... I had none. Our parents realized their mistake and when you were born they quickly snapped the 17 pictures of you. You forgot to include the other "Nicki picture in the buff" at Kilpatrick Lake. I think you had a hat on. And mom what's with that?? I live at Kilpatrick Lake now and it's crawling with rattle snakes, but you let us run around in the nude?
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