Monday, August 11, 2008


Our faithful readers (we actually have 6, I think) might have noticed a few changes that have been made. I have added Useless Information so that there is something new to read every time you log in .... even if we haven't been visited by the blog muse. I have also added a star rating system so you can rate the stories. Be honest. I promise I won't slip into a deep, dark depression if my stories only receive a one star rating. But since Mom raised at least two egomaniacs, the stars will help to fuel the writing muse.

I have also added a Children's Book Illustration of the day. This is in honor of Anderson and Isabella. I know Nicki is diligent in showing them the pictures that we've posted and she reads to them all the time. I thought it would be a fun addition for them. I'm trying to figure out how to adjust the margins. Still haven't mastered that, but I will.

I also made the last post in larger print. That's for Mom's sake until she has the next cataract surgery.

I can't promise how often we'll write after school starts, but I'm going to try to make sure there is a new post at least 3-4 times a week. I know Katie and Nicki are even busier than I am, but somehow we'll manage.

Please feel free to leave comments. ... especially positive ones. Like I said, at least two of us are egomaniacs. (And now Sister 2 and Sister 3 are both wondering which one I am referring to!) We look forward to seeing if anyone writes. We know you've been on .... and we know where you're from. We have regular readers from Canada, Alliance, Lincoln, Melbeta, Minatare, Omaha, Yuba City, Davis, Sacramento, Baltimore, Tyler, Buford and Chapel Hill. Wait a minute, that's way more than 6. Damn, that makes me feel good even if I can't count.

There is a button at the top on the right where you can subscribe to the feed. Then you'll automatically know when the page has been updated. So far we have 3 subscribers. Woo Hoo! Nicki and I can now die happy .... we've been published. Sort of.

One last thing and then I'll let you get back to your regularly scheduled life. I made an addendum to the genetics post ..... the actual thank you from the style show was located and I posted it. So now you'll all know what happiness is. I'm still looking for the picture from the style show. It's probably next to the Alamo vacation pictures.

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